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Everyone is welcome to browse our site, but only current owners and tenants will be allowed access to the restricted sections. Since all new official Strata Information is now posted on the Strata Press website (see home page) we are no longer monitoring this site to approve new users. If you would like access to the restricted areas of this site, please make a request through Strata Press. Thank you for your understanding.
Welcome to the Official Site of Little Qualicum River Village Strata Corporation VIS4673
All Administrative and Financial functions of Strata Corporation VIS4673 (LQRV) are now being handled internally.
All Owners and Residents are urged to register with our StrataPress website For "Account Type" choose "Strata Owner. When asked which property you are associated with start typing "VIS 4673 Little Qualicum River Village".
All new meeting notices, agendas, and minutes, as well as all financial and related information will be available only from the StrataPress website. Note that this particular StrataPress webpage now belongs to VIS4673 and is not associated with our previous property managers.
At this time, it is intended that this website ( will continue to be maintained with a focus on information that is neither administrative nor financial, such as community notices, watering restrictions, etc.
We urgently need all owners to sign the Demolition Consent Form in order to go forward with that project and protect our insurance. Please download it from this link and either return it to, mail it to Strata Council VIS4673, 1773 Country Road, Qualicum Beach, V9K 2S3, or drop it in the mailbox at the gatehouse.
Kind Regards, Strata Council

Important Owner Updates
Please respect our Village speed limit of 30km per hour.
Please keep our children safe by not passing the school bus when the stop sign is out

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