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Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) 

Zoning & Current Planning Information 

A. Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) Bylaws

Little Qualicum River Village is within the jurisdiction of Electoral Area F of the Regional
District of Nanaimo. As such, the overall development and each strata lot (private yard area
and storage unit) in the development is subject to the applicable land use bylaws of the
Regional District of Nanaimo, details of which can be found in RDN Bylaw no. 1285, and any
future amendments.

LQRV Strata Bylaws refer only to the RDN zoning classification of the strata lots for
permitted principal use of the private yard areas and any further restrictions defined in the
LQRV Bylaws.

The Regional District of Nanaimo Bylaws permits the lawful use of any land, building or
structure existing at the time of its enactment to be continued as long as it complies with the Local Government Act.

B. Riparian Areas Regulation

Little Qualicum River Village is located adjacent to rivers and other wetlands and, as such, the development of each private yard area is subject to the requirements of the Provincial Riparian Areas Regulation that is part of the Fish Protection Act.

For more information on Riparian Area Regulations click here

RDN Website Links 

LQRV Map with RDN Zoning

RDN Zoning Definitions for LQRV Properties

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